mandag 26. mai 2014

Juice 5 - the RED one - who knew I liked beets!!

Ok - there are few things I find more disgusting than pickled beets - but I actually LOVE normal non-pickeled ones - something I learned at a dinner party at Steve Gaines house in 2011. They were so good - and once I started seeing them in recipes I had no doubt that I would use raw ones!

Problem is that they are not easy to find in Norway - but at Asian grocery stores, you will! The one in Heimdal rocks my world! Meny also has them - but wrapped in plastic and super expensive!

  • 6 beets - I use a knife to take off the two root-parts. Then I cut them in four.
  • 3 cups broccoli florets - this ended up being just a broccoli bunch really. 
  • 1 bunch dinosaur kale leaves
  • 1/4 cup parsley - hehe I overdid it again! Did a whole bunch - but I like the taste!
  • 1 bunch stalks celery
  • 2 cups green grapes - yeah - that is for sweetening it I guess. Not very much, 2 cups. It is just under 0,5 liter.
  • apples

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