mandag 26. mai 2014

Juice 3 - another green one, but with pears this time!

Juice nr 3 is finally done - and in the fridge as we speak :) Yet another time I had a little bit too much, but that is quite ok - better more than too little! Another fun fact - my son William helped me - he loves using the juicer LOL

This is the recipe - once more from

  • 1.5 bunches dinosaur kale -- I used 1,5 box of GRØNNKÅL again. Pretty pricey at 25 NOK per box but heck - that is where the green in "green" juice comes in!
  • 10 oz. fresh spinach - yeah - another "how bad can spinach be for you" so I just emptied out the box this time! 
  • 1 bunch Romaine - another one of the Kinakål.
  • cucumbers
  • 1 bunch celery
  • pears

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