mandag 26. mai 2014

Juice 1 - Morning Green Juice

Ok - yes - well - I got started late so my morning juice is going to be my 13:00 (1 pm) juice today! This is the recipe from Vegan Cooking: 

Morning Green Juice #1
  • 1.5 bunches dinosaur kale (you dont get this in Norway so I took GRØNNKÅL instead)
  • 10 oz. fresh spinach (ca 3 dl but I just took a big handful - cant have too much spinach, can you?)
  • 1 bunch Romaine (here I just took Kinakål since I have never seen Romaine here)
  • cucumbers
  • 1 bunch celery
  • green apples
  • 1 cup parsley
Directions for juicing! 
  1. Wash everything thoroughly and prepare for your juicer. I have and love this Phillips juicer: - which range in price from 1400-2000 NOK. I got it for my birhtday in 2012 and it has been used a LOT!
  2. Pass through the juicer. Serve room temperature or shake with ice. I usually use a wine glass with ice cubes and a fancy straw. Will show pictures later!
  3. Makes enough for 3 juices, approximately 0,5 liter each - which is why I put it in a 1,5 liter old coke bottle. 

Here are some pictures of this process - that actually took 1 hour - and that was only for the FIRST juice!!! I am exhausted - this must count as todays workout!

Starting with the end - me relaxing with a wine glass of fabulous green juice!

The veggies - green stuff - ready to be juiced

finished juicing half the veggies - need to transfer to bottle!
Transfer to bottle! Notice my fancy reused bottle :)
Finished juice 1! 
Ever wonder what happens to all the veggies that you have liquified? Well - its still there - just VERY dry! So now I have it composted - and the juicer is clean and ready for me to make juice nr 2. I am just not ready...

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