Tettinntil has had yearly meetings of forum members wanting to learn more about babywearing and meet their online friends since 2007, when the first meeting was held in Oslo!
This is the second year in a row that it is held in Bergen - and the third time total!
And this is the official welcome and "how-to" registration message:

Registration for the yearly meeting:
Place: Fana Folkehøyskole, Bergen
Date: 14-16.juni
Registration deadlines:
If you want to stay at the school, or come by and eat lunch and/or dinner, the registration deadline is:
Sunday 5.may
Deadline for payment
When staying over, a 250 NOK deposit needs to be paid by the 10th of May.
The rest needs to be paid by the 1st of June.
For those visiting for the day only, but with meals, the total payment needs to be in by the 1st of June.
Pay full amount to account number 97225242643 - Remember to mark the payment with your forum nick and your name.
Payment Alternatives:
1. Accomodation 2 nights (friday-sunday)
Meals: Friday; dinner. Saturday; all meals. Sunday; breakfast and lunch
Price 1630 NOK
2. Accomodation 1 night (saturday-sunday)
Meals: Dinner Saturday. Breakfast and lunch, Sunday.
Price 900 NOK
For those of you that order accomodation under alternative 2 you can also order lunch for Saturday if you want to. Lunch will be late, depending on when people start arriving.
This lunch will be an extra 125 NOK, totaling 1025 NOK
3. Day visit Saturday and Sunday
Meals: Dinner Saturday. Breakfast and lunch, Sunday.
Price 550 NOK, extra for partner 450 NOK
4. One day visit: Saturday
Meals: Lunch and Dinner
Price 425 NOK, extra for partner 325 NOK
5. One day visit without meals.
Price 100 NOK paid on site. No payment for your partner.
We appreciate if you let us know if you are coming, even if you dont need to register for a day visit.
Extra for a single room is 90 NOK per night.
Children under 12 are free.
If you want a mattress for your child, the school has those available. Rental of sheets is an extra 80 NOK. If you need a travel cot you need to let us know beforehand by mail. The comittee has a limited number available.
Registration is final and no refunds are given!
Registratin needs to include the following:
- Name
- Nick
- Payment alternative
- Double or single room and who you will share the room with (if any).
- Number of children and age of these and whether or not you need a mattress for them to sleep on.
- Allergies/intolerance for food/food preferences.
Send your registration to: TIlandstreff2013@gmail.com
We are expecting a full program the entire wekend with wrapping-workshops, activities for the bigger kids, hikes in the arboretum and much much more. We expect the meeting to be done around 3-4 pm on Sunday.
We hope we will have a great turnout!
Link to the venue Fana Folkehøyskolen and the Arboretet på Milde which is the closest neighbor.
Hilsen landstreffkomiteen

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