So I am officially obsessed with this sweater now - which is an 80s inspired basic heavy oversized sweater - but I need a new project and I need it fast - I am so sick of my needlework project making advent calendars for the kids right now LOL
So I want to make myself an awesome sweater!
Problem? Oh yes - turns out the yarn for the sweater is sold out all over Norway because of this new craziness where even teenagers are screaming for the chance to knit this sweater! I see online that hawks that were able to buy all the yarn in the country are knitting them for sale right now - for the price of 1800 crowns - USD300!!!!
The yarn itself is actually 150 dollar so I guess it is not so bad considering the work, but heck, a 300 dollar sweater... not sure I even have one! Actually, take that back, I am 100% sure I do NOT have one LOL (yet).
So - this is the sweater - from - as well as the recipe (in Norwegian)! I am obsessed now... and very excited to start knitting once I FIND THE YARN!
Oh, and why is it so famous and special? Dorthe Skappel, the woman who created it, is a famous TV personality in Norway. She is now a grandmother, but a gorgeous one at that, and she loves knitting. So she knitted this sweater for herself, but her daughter, Maria Skappel (who is also a beauty) took it and commercialized it and she is now selling yarn packages with all you need to make the sweater - and the site broke down almost immediately!
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